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Wilma & Rosie


These little ladies will melt your heart, and give lots of love and attention to their humans. Wilma is the mom 4 years old and Rosie is the daughter 2 years old. Their start to life was not great when they were living in their owners car and very thin when rescued. 


This bonded pair does everything together, even toilet time happens at the same time. Their favourite thing to do is sleeping on your lap together. They are pee pad trained indoors and also go outdoors in a safe secure area. They are small and when outdoors they will look for an escape hole through the fence, so a secure fence is a must.  They walk well on leash, and while at the airport we had to slowly run a long way to our gate, which was a good kilometre.

Rose can be a bit standoff at first when meeting larger dogs, but will warm up in time. Everything is new to these two but they are adjusting so well.  They both do this two legged dance which means they would love to be picked up and held.  

They sleep well through the night, going to bed at 9:30pm, and waking up around 6:30am. No accidents while they are in their pen. While with us in Mexico, they slept in our bed, which they really like! 

Both Wilma and Rose are spayed, fully vaccinated including Rabies.

Dewormed and blood tested for tick borne illnesses which tested negative. 
They both had dentals, and their teeth are pearly white now. 

They are very bonded and we want a home where they can go together . 
It was be so devastating to them both if this did not happen. If you have love to give and space in your heart these two will fill you up and become your best friends.  



Hello, my name is Luna. I was recently rescued from a shelter in Mexico after I was found in a field with my siblings, alone and hungry. I made the long journey to Canada and now I am settling in well with my foster family.


 I was very frightened and skittish when I first arrived but I quickly grew to trust my people and get comfortable with my new surroundings. I’ve regained my confidence now and I’m very loving and affectionate.  I enjoy going for walks, I’m good on leash and I’m getting used to all the new things here like bikes, new people, new dogs and sudden surprises.  If I do get suddenly spooked the biggest risk is that I’ll try to take off in a panic and run back home.  Some dogs get aggressive when they are afraid, but not me… I’m very submissive and just try to avoid conflict. My foster family have a dog of their own, and we get along very well and don’t even fight over food or toys.


I’m a mixed lab about 2 years old with lovely blonde fur. I’m spayed and all my shots are up to date, including Rabies. My foster family have grown very fond of me, and were pleasantly surprised that I came fully house trained and haven’t caused any trouble or damage in the home. I even enjoy car rides.  I’m ok sleeping in my crate at night, though of course I’m happiest if I’m close to my family.  I’ll miss my foster parents when I find my forever home, and you’ll need to be patient with me for a month or so.  But before long I’ll be your trusted companion and never leave your side.



Honourable , regal, and loyal. Meet Nash!


Life in Mexico was not easy for him. He was left in the care of a “ dog sitter “ with his 2 companions and were literally left to starve. Maria rescued him 2 years ago, and his friends, and although he had food and shelter, his human contact was very minimal.


When Denise first met Nash she knew he was special and unique.

He would go off leash while we walked 40 plus dogs each day and was always close by always enjoying the free space and open fields with his friends at the shelter. Nash just wants to be with his humans. He has been waiting a long time for this. Whether you are in the kitchen, watching TV, getting ready for the day, or leaving the house, he knows and is right there ready to do whatever the day entails. We believe he is so happy now, and this is why he is so loyal.


Nash walks perfectly on leash and heels right at your side. He goes slowly downstairs, waiting for you each step of the way. He loves playing with his throw toys in the backyard and this diffuses his energy quickly, instead of an evening walk. He then happily comes back in the house and settles next to you, on his side of the couch. He is great off leash and even tends to heel when he’s free. He especially enjoys when our volunteer picks him up and takes to the beach and dog park. He gets home happy and tired. We are working on crate time and he will now settle into the crate for 1.5 hours after he has exercised. We are slowly increasing this time. But really his favourite spot is next to you.


Nash requires his owner to be his leader. He listens very well which makes him more confident in his daily life. He knows the daily routine now. He used to paw for attention, jump up and slept in his humans bed for his first few weeks in Canada. Now there is no more pawing for attention, no more jumping up and he sleeps on the floor at the foot of the bed.


He’s a quick learner and could be trained at a high level due to his character and breed. Nash is very alert and will see things well before his humans will. He recently alerted us to a skunk that was sitting in the grass mid morning. We quickly turned around and avoided the encounter. Calm and cool, and did not pursue, but his body language told us something was up.


He resides in his foster home with a small rat terrier and they are good friends.

He likes meeting new people and has a calm demeanour about him upon doing so. He has only barked two times when a stranger was coming beside the fence line but after his foster mom realized the person was not a threat she told Nash “ it’s ok” and he immediately stopped.


We believe Nash might be part Belgian Malinois/Shepherd. With rescue dogs it’s hard to know exactly. He’s approximately 4 years old. He is neutered and all vaccines are up to date, including Rabies.


Are you ready to add a dog to your family? Click the button below to apply for your new best friend!

Our adoption fee is currently $600.

This includes spay/neuter, vaccinations, and a general health check prior to adoption! 

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